Character and Reputation
Do you think you should be growing? Changing? Becoming better and maturing with each passing day?
CHARACTER = Personality, nature, temperament
DEVELOPMENT = Grow, mature, increase, advance, progress
The definition of character development is: Growing, maturing and progressing in your personality, nature and temperament.
In other words, character development is becoming a better person.
Do you want to be better?
I believe you must BE better before you can HAVE better.
Our HAVE is dictated by our WHO.
What you will have in life, what you will accomplish and the places you'll go is directly related by the person you become.
As Jim Rohn says, "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."
Character vs. Reputation
Your character is who you are. Your reputation is what others think you are.
Do these two line up?
Your REPUTATION is a shadow of your character
Who do people think you are?
How are you viewed?
Do your actions match what is inside?
Sometimes we witness people say or do things that are so wrong on so many levels. Without realizing, they are ruining their reputation. This stems from their character, or shall I say the lack thereof.
This makes me sad.
But that's not you.
You are working towards improvement. You are adding to yourself, adding to your life and always growing ad developing.
You who are here, reading these articles on personal development, you're a special breed, a part of the rare few.
For that, I applaud you.