Prioritize your Spouse for a Happy Marriage
Boy was I naive...
This pic was taken within our first year of marriage. We were basically babies. (ages 22/23)
We had no clue what we were getting ourselves into when we got married. No idea where this journey of life would take us, along with all its twists and turns.
As I look back and reminisce, I’m left with these thoughts...
Marriage is a commitment.
A commitment to grow, to care, to apply effort, sacrifice and to keep moving forward.
Its common practice these days to give up when things get hard, to quit when you hit a dead-end, and to throw in the towel when things get uncomfortable.
Truth is...
✅ ANYTHING worthwhile is hard.
If you want to reach those big, fat, audacious marriage goals, you’ll have to...
👉 Stretch your limits
👉 Push when you want to stop
👉 Keep going up when you’d rather quit
No one wakes up and... POOF, out of nowhere they have a happy, healthy marriage.
Great Marriages Happen on Purpose
Anyone who has a great marriage has one because creating one was important to them. They’ve made it a priority. They take action.
For real ... your marriage won’t grow if you don’t read, learn, listen and APPLY.
This is a MUST. Non-negotiable.
The BIGGEST mistake I see couples making is this… They’re not prioritizing personal and relational growth. Giving up is easier. Like a quick fix.
Don’t be deceived into thinking your situation is unique.
👉 Someone has been in your shoes.
👉 Somewhere there’s a spouse ‘just as stubborn’ as you (I mean yours).
✅ Someone made it through the same situation you’re in, find them, consume their material, follow their footsteps, and get to the other side.
Your challenge...
FIND the answers you need.
Be intentional, learn, grow, and watch your marriage improve.
If you’d like to read more about my struggles and journey, you can do so HERE.