What do you do for fun?
What did you use to love? What passion did you use to have that you gave up when “life took over”.
Don’t let everyday responsibilities burry your desires within. Life is too short to go from work to responsibilities, to obligations, to more work.... only to repeat this cycle. This is the fast track to burnout and frustration.
Did you know, by including things in your life that bring you passion and fulfilment, you’ll become MORE effective in your everyday responsibilities? Switching channels is something high-achievers understand as NECESSARY. No, it’s not good while you’re working. You don’t want to be distracted and breaking your focus there. But in your evenings, on the weekend, or even mid-day. STOP deep work, take a break from intensive thinking, and do something that is fun, uplifting and that makes you “come alive”.
It could be a brisk walk, a soak in the tub, reading a book, making a call to a friend, listening to music, taking a dance class, going for a hike, taking a paint class, learning an instrument, etc. Doing something you find FUN has been proven to provide a recharge, to breath new life into you, and to help you be MORE efficient - when you do get back to usual work.
Moms, have lady get-togethers. Pick up that hobby you’ve once put down, take a break from family life and do something that makes you come alive. What did you use to love as a kid? Is that desire still inside?
Men, how do you recharge? Is it by tinkering in the garage? Working on a project? In the yard? Going for a drive? Breakfast with your buds? Playing with a big, boy toy? Find something that causes you to feel rested, and refuelled. Shift your life to MAKE TIME for fun.
Not an excessive amount, especially if you have children and a family to care for, but at least a little each week or each month. This will give you something to look forward to, a place to de-stress, and an opportunity to charge-your-batteries so you can get back to usual life, full force.
Those who operate at optimal efficient understand the importance of down time.
It’s not being lazy, unproductive, or selfish. It’s actually the opposite, by doing this you’ll be setting yourself up to operate at maximum potential when your “on”, is and to serve those in your life THAT MUCH BETTER.
Moms... I know many of you DO NOT take time for yourself. So I’m especially speaking to you.
Find what makes you come alive and brings you pleasure. Make a point to incorporate this into your life, and watch how MUCH MORE effective the rest of your life will become by doing so.
Would you like help discovering your purpose and finding your passion? I created a free resource to help you do just this. You can pick it up HERE.