Overcome Insecurity by Doing These 3 Things


Before I give my 3 to-do’s, this must be understood...

✅ Thoughts are WITHIN YOUR CONTROL. You can do something about them.

Like a radio station, if you don’t like what you hear, change the channel.

(This is taking thoughts captive.  2 Corinthians 10:5)

This is done by...


1: Feeding your Mind

“Feeding your mind” with large dosages of positive messages is necessary if you are going to have healthy thoughts.  

This shapes how you think and what you believe. It also changes your perception of the world and yourself.


2: Stop negative thoughts in their tracks  

When degrading thoughts torment, you must stop them in their tracks and replace them with something GOOD. (Phil 4:8)

This could be an uplifting podcast, a feel-good movie or saying positive affirmations.

But you MUST NOT let those thoughts drag themselves through your mind.

With diligence... you’ll successfully starve the negative and the positive you’ve been putting in will grow.


3: Learn Who You Are

You need to discover WHO you are and WHAT you’re designed to do.

A hammer trying to be a drill will always have image issues because it’s trying to be something it’s not created for.

Purpose ignites passion, makes you come alive and brings a sense of fulfilment. When this happens, insecurities will fall off.


😓 This pic is 15 years old... I was one sad, unhealthy little girl. I was 20. Jeremiah was not quite 2.

🤫 I knew how to wear a smile and hide my hurt.

Insecurities are not a life sentence, you can overcome them one persistent step at a time. Feed your mind positive messages, starve negative thoughts and uncover who you are, who you truly are. As you do this, you'll change and look back to see what you've all overcome. 

If you’d like more information about my story and to hear about the struggles I’ve overcome, you can read about it HERE.


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