Don’t Let Others Ruin Your Day


Would you like a blissful life filled with pleasure, gladness, enjoyment and delight? Of course, you would!

The secret is found in this one word, JOY! Is this missing in your life? 

Do you ever wonder why joy seems to be the first thing to leave when difficulties arise? Let me tell you a secret - joy is a reflection of your inner-strength.

You can see how strong someone is (on the inside) by gauging their joy level.  The moment you lose your joy you get discouraged, depressed, overwhelmed and stressed.   If you lose your joy, you lose your strength, if you lose your strength you are weak, if you are weak you can’t fight against negativity if you can’t fight you can’t win.


On the flip side 

Have you noticed, when you are joyful you feel capable, motivated, and have the drive to conquer tasks?   If you can keep your joy, you keep your strength, if you have strength you can fight, if you can fight, you'll win. Win against what you may ask?


Life gives us battles and how we go through them determines if we come out bitter or better, will we be a victim or a victor? Let me tell you another secret, you, and you alone, determine your joy level. 

  • You don’t have to let someone else’s bad day ruin yours.

  • You don't have to put your feelings into someone elses' hands.  

  • You don’t have to get offended or upset when you don’t get your way.

  •  You don’t have to remain stubborn and bitter.  

 The choice is yours. 

So how, exactly, do you choose joy when every fibre of your being is raging with unhappiness? By choosing to put joy on your face. 


Put it on, on Purpose 

You may be upset by how someone treated you, but you can put a smile on your face that says, "I'm okay, and I'm going to move on." You may be genuinely hurt by what someone said to you, but you can make your face display a calm, contentment that says, "I will not let you steal my joy."

At first, this will feel odd. It's not natural.  It's not easy. It takes practice. 

But with time, what you once used to do with intention and by choice, will become your norm.  Overlooking offence gets easier, holding onto your joy becomes natural.  As your joy levels grow, it feels good, and you notice a surprising benefit. Your confidence grows, your motivation levels increase and you feel more empathetic towards others.   As your joy grow, you become easier to live with. If you persist, you'll become an example to those around you and influence your loved ones in a positive way. 


Don't Let Others Ruin your Day

There is no rule that says someone's bad attitude as to ruin yours.  You can keep your joy, despite what life (or other people) throw at you.  If people throw mud at you, get to the place where none of it will stick. (1 Peter 3, The Message)

True strength is holding onto joy when others are trying to steal it.  If everyone is in a good mood and treating you right, sure, you can keep your joy, that's easy, anyone can do that, no strength is needed here. But to keep your joy when all hell is breaking loose, wow, now that's admirable and rare. 

Be rare. Be strong. Hold onto your joy. 

Start today.

If you would like more information on inner-strength training check out my free resources.

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Break Free From Insecurity


Why Wear a Smile when You’d Rather Not