Stop letting Anger Steal From You
Do you often find yourself in contentious situations? Do you consider yourself opinionated? Are you argumentative?
You would enjoy your relationships more if you fought less. Stop making mountains out of mole hills. Stop trying to control others, stop getting your joy and peace from the way others live their life. Let others be who they want to be. You go on with your life, enjoying it to the fullest.
Your success will be determined by how well you control your anger.
Consider these following scenarios:
Is your marriage is struggling because you fight too much?
Do your children keep their distance because you lash out?
Are your relationships strained because your argumentative?
Do you often find yourself losing jobs?
Do you often have a bad attitude?
Be honest. You may not want to admit it to anyone – but you know the truth.
Would you like to change or are you happy with your miserable self?
If you struggle with getting along with others, it could be that you’re allowing uncontrolled emotions to steal from you. Anger, in particular.
Bittiness and frustration will rob you of a happy life. Anger has a tendency to steal joy and peace. Don’t allow it to.
Many times, anger is triggered by an offence, or selfishness.
Do you get upset when things don’t go your way?
Do you get offended when someone disrespects you?
Does anger overtake you when the person you’re speaking to becomes offensive?
Newsflash: This is a sign of weakness.
It’s easy to be nice to a kind person. It’s easy to speak lovingly when the other person doesn’t rub you the wrong way. How you respond to a disrespectful, offensive individual is the true sign of maturity.
Can you overlook wrongdoing? You can choose to believe the best? Can you not have the last word? Not get your way? Not have to prove anything?
If you understand that hurting people hurt people, it’ll be easier to have grace when others mess up.
Not everyone needs to be corrected, not everyone needs to be 'put in their place. Many times, all the does is cause unnecessary fights and ultimately harms the relationship. If it’s something you can overlook, it will be to your benefit to do so.
It takes a strong person to know who they are and not feel the need to prove it to those who think otherwise.
Act, don’t react!
A strong individual will act and speak with intention. Make a decision to hold your tongue. Decide to speak kind when you’re tempted otherwise.
When you respond to anger with more anger, it adds fuel to a fire. When you respond to anger with gentleness, kindness, and graciousness, an upsetting situation will die down.
Don’t get me wrong, developing this kind of self-control is difficult. Successfully doing this takes practice, but it can be done.
Holding your tongue during an argumentative situations will cause inner-discomfort. That’s a good sign. This means you’re starving your anger, your flesh is dying. Every time you make the choice to do this, it will get easier.
You don’t need to have the last word. You don’t need to prove you are right. You can give grace. You can overlook offence.
Your relationships will thank you.
Decide today to stop letting anger steal your joy and peace. Decide to exercise self-control and to hold your tongue. Develop this skill and watch how much more you’ll enjoy your relationships.
If you’d like more information on this subject then grab hold of my free teaching: 3 Ways to Kill Conflict in Your Home