Welcome to Tribe

A community without walls for God-Fearing, Wisdom-Seeking, Truth-Loving Families.

The place where faith, fun, friendship, and freedom collide.

Tribe exists to assist you in maximizing your potential so that you can fulfil the call of God on your life, build a strong family, and create a fulfilling life.

Staying Right Side Up in an Upside Down World

Hi, I’m Tash. Enthusiastic founder of Inner-Strength Training Academy (INSTA). An online education center dedicated to providing tools, knowledge, and resources to strengthen minds, homes, and family lives.

What is Inner-Strength Training?

It’s kind-of-like working out, but for your thoughts, attitudes and emotions. Inner-Strength is what’s needed to take you from where-you’re-at, to where-you-want-to-be.

It’s what needed to experience heaven-on-earth. A life of passion, purpose and peace.

Tribe is the community arm of Inner-Strength Training Academy.

We can’t maximize our potential if we’re not addressing who we’re surrounding ourselves with.

As Jim Rohn Says, “we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.”

Verses on Choosing Friendships Wisely 

“Bad company corrupts good character.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise.” - Proverbs 13:20

“As Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17

Tribe is where we sharpen one another. Where we pursue wisdom. Where we develop our character.

Tribe is dedicated to helping you experience a life of Heaven-on-Earth

What is heaven-on-earth?

It’s a life that over-delivers. A life that impresses. A life where you can’t believe how fortunate you’ve been.

Experiencing heaven-on-earth means you understand who you are, what you’re designed to do, and you pursue your goals with passionate confidence. This is where you’re building strong marriages, you're proud of how you've raised (or are raising) your children, and your home life is an atmosphere of love, happiness, laughter and growth.

When you experience heaven-on-earth you’ll feel satisfied, fulfilled, and content on a regular basis. You’ll count your blessings, live with gratefulness, and thankfulness will be a regular occurrence. You’ll love your days, you’ll be pleased with the life you’ve built, and you’ll look forward to a future living out your wildest dreams.

When you experience heaven-on- earth, joy and peace are your closest companions and you'll be an inspiration to everyone around you.

The world is a mess. Chaos is everywhere.

We need to be mentally, emotionally and relationally strong so that we can be the light in the darkness.

Become a Founding Member

This is a limited launch for hand picked, personally invited individuals.

Annual Membership


    Monthly Membership


      Benefits of Membership

      1. Members get access to our calendar of events for you, your family, and children to participate in.

      2. Members get to join Growth Groups, gathering with others who are in the same season of life.

      As we grow we can look at building out the following services:

      1. A private Business Directory where members can market their goods and services to Tribe members and gain direct access to an audience willing, waiting, and eager to support them.

      2. Private coffee corners

      3. Private health care centres

      4. Private food supplies

      5. Private entertainment spaces

      How Tribe Works?

      Many hands make work light.

      Tribe is an interactive community where we pool our resources together to build an exciting community for ourselves, kids, friends and family. Upon membership we assess the gifts, talents, and skillsets of each member and plug everyone into an area that organically aligns with how they wish to use the community.

      The community is kind-of-like a potluck. Everyone brings something to the table, but you get to partake in what everyone else brings to the table as well.

      Simply Put: We rely on volunteer power to operate. Please be prepared to put in, at least, a couple hours each month into this community.


      We run out of the homes, barns, garages, studios, and yards of those within the community. Operating predominately in and around Winnipeg and the surrounding areas. (With a heavy Southern Manitoba presence)

      “All the believers were one in heart and mind and shared everything they had.”

      Acts 34:32

      How to Enjoy this Community

      We are currently launching a light-version of Tribe exclusively to our founding members.

      What you see outlined below is a STARTING POINT for events, Growth Groups and activities. As membership grows and people come forth to volunteer, we will build out our calendar with additional activities.

      community .jpg

      Membership Fees

      $20/month Family Fee

      $200/year if paid in full

      Includes adult children who live at home


      Growth Groups

      • The Hub - for Homeschooling families

      • Bedrock - for Young Adults

      • Edify - for Teens

      • Ladies Nights

      • Pursue - Date nights for couples

      • The Gathering - Community events

      Keep scrolling for details on each of these Groups.


      Become a Founding Member

      This is a limited launch for hand picked, personally invited individuals.

      Annual Membership


        Monthly Membership


          Growth Groups


          The Homeschooling Hub

          Homeschooling Families will be encouraged to volunteer their skills, time, resources and/or knowledge to host or assist with events that are in line with their gifts, talents, skills and passions.

          For example:

          • Some parents love crafting, so they’ll head up crafting days.

          • Other parents have teens and are happy to host a teen hike in the Whitehall.

          • One of you may hold a bonfire in their back yard.

          • Another family may have a skating rink to share.

          Activity Examples

          • Board Games

          • Arts and Crafts

          • Sledding

          • Skating

          • Science Projects

          • Educational Activities

          • Presentation Days (where kids share for 3-5 minutes on a specific topic)

          • and more…

          Parents are welcome to host events for free, or for a fee.

          Examples of potential paid events:

          Craft Class - $5 per child

          Movie Night - $2 per person

          Nutrition Classes - $60 for 6 weeks

          Drama Class - $100 for 12 weeks

          * * * * *

          Acts 34:32 - “All the believers were one in heart and mind and shared everything they had.”

          Bedrock - for Young Adults (18-25ish)

          These events begin with a short teaching to equip young adults with Biblical knowledge, skills, and training to build a happy, healthy, abundantly-successful life.

          Additional outings and activities hosted by the Tribe community may include board games nights, movie events, skating, hikes, bonfires, and more.

          * * * * *

          Matthew 7:24-26 - Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

          Edify - for Teens

          Character development classes designed to elicit purpose, passion, hope and inner-peace while simultaneously developing invaluable leadership skills. Additional activities will be held for friendship, fellowship and fun. This may include board games events, movie events, skating, hikes, bonfires, crafting, etc.

          Ages 12-18 (grade 7-12).

          * * * * *

          Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

          Ladies Nights

          Ladies nights begin with a short lesson on how to manage your thoughts, attitudes, and emotions so that you can confidently build a happy, healthy, home, followed by an evening of fun, food, friendship and laughter.

          Additional ladies events hosted by Tribe may include board games days, movie nights, skating, hikes, bonfires, etc.

          * * * * *

          3 John 1:2 - Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers.

          Pursue - Date Nights

          Stay tuned for exciting date nights scattered throughout the year.

          • Mystery dinners

          • Escape Rooms

          • Hikes

          • Game Nights

          • … and more.

          The Gathering

          Events for the whole community

          • Potluck dinners

          • Winter Park get togethers

          • Additional activities may include movie nights, skating, bonfires, hay rides, etc.

          Join us for friendship, fellowship, food, fun and laughter.

          * * * * *

          Galatians 6:10 - Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to the family of faith.

          Our Guiding Values

          Please read these thoroughly to ensure that this community aligns with your values.


          What we believe


          We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, the foundation for truth, and our guide book for how to do life on earth. Members should hold this perspective and have a desire to grow in these truths, while simultaneously being respectful towards others who may not agree on every point.


          Shared values


          It is vital to surround ourselves with others who share the same values. To seek friendships with those who will encourage, lift us up, challenge us, and help us maximize our potential.

          We are coming together under the values of Biblical morality, integrity, virtue, dignity. Although we look to scripture to interpret the meaning of these, we understand that working out our salvation is a personal journey, and we respect where others are at on this path.


          Topics of Focus

          • What it means to be a child of God.

          • How to live by faith.

          • How to hear God’s voice.

          • How to make good decisions.

          • How to develop the fruits of the spirit.

          • How to choose healthy friendships.

          • How to find and fulfil your life’s purpose.

          • How to create a happy, healthy home.



          What is the culture of Tribe?

          Tribe is built on a Biblical foundation. We encourage our members to dream big, believe big, and are constantly encouraging one another to grow in faith, hope, and love.

          This is a drama free zone, without division and divisiveness, we purpose to keep the peace, overlook offence, and dish out boatloads of grace.

          How do I invite someone to join?

          This group must be guarded with extreme care.

          Think of it like this: we are an underground society, that basically, doesn’t exist.

          Members join with a private invite only.

          If you know someone who is a fit, text Tash to discuss how one may join.


          Do you have a Statement of Faith?

          Yes. You may view it HERE.

          Become a Founding Member

          This is a limited launch for hand picked, personally invited individuals.

          Annual Membership


            Monthly Membership