Training and equipping the next generation of excellence.


What is Soar?

A year long character and leadership development program for faith-based young adult females.

The Purpose

Soar is designed to elicit purpose and passion, while developing tactful communication skills.

Students will develop healthy habits that will assist them in reaching their goals and building their ideal life.

Living together with a number of different personalities provides opportunities to get overwhelmed, stressed, and frustrated. We use these opportunities to teach students how to effectively communicate while developing emotional resilience.

Students will be given weekly learning lessons along with implementation tasks. They are expected to read, listen, and study independently while coming together weekly to discuss their findings.

Students will be expected to serve the local teen community a couple of days each month.

Students will meal planning together, share cleaning duties, and collaborate with how they will serve a bigger community at large.

How Does It Work?

Personal Development Collides with Novelty.

Personal Development

We create a customized program tailored to your desires, interests, and goals.

We assist you in identify your strengths, we challenge you to address your struggles, and we set up a game plan for you to take massive action towards who you want to become, what you want to accomplish, and what you’d like to experience.

There will be group training, individual coaching, along with implementation workshops.

Novel Experiences.

The Soar Program also provides novel experiences. These are good for the soul as they elicit anticipation, distract from life’s difficulties, and assist in finding a newfound excitement for life. Soar is committed to getting these girls together on a weekly basis for some form of laughing, learning and fun. They’ll look forward to regular gatherings, fun social outings and exciting get togethers.

How does one refine their character?

By Developing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is a term created by Peter Salavoy and John Mayer. Made popular by Dan Goleman in his 1996 book “Emotional Intelligence.” 

Emotional Intelligences is being able understand and manage your own emotions while being able to understand and manage the emotions of others.

In other words, it’s knowing how emotionally regulate and respond tactfully to those around you, so that you’ll elicit the most effective response out of yourself as well as others.

Research reveals that emotional intelligence is the largest factor determining how happy, healthy and successful we will be in life. Truth is, this is a Biblical principle, being emotionally intelligent is just a fancy way of saying we’re developed in the fruits of the spirit. 

Let’s take a quick look at those fruits to see how they relate to managing ourselves and others.

  • Love - A strong positive emotional state resulting in appreciation and respect for your fellow man.

  • Joy - A deep rooted sense of satisfaction with a cheerful and enthusiastic outlook about life.

  • Peace - Deeply rooted inner contentment resulting in a positive outlook towards life.

  • Patience - Having the wherewithal to show restraint and endure with a positive attitude.

  • Kindness - Being thoughtful, hospitable and having a friendly disposition.

  • Goodness - Genuine goodwill, purity in thoughts, and honourable integrity.

  • Faithfulness - Having a “stick-to-it” attitude of steadfastness, determination and consistency.

  • Gentleness - Staying calm and composed, possessing a mild disposition.

  • Self-control - Being mindful of, and having the inner-strength, to direct your emotions intentionally.

These qualities are relatively easy to possess when everything is going your way and no one is irritating you, but when the pressures of life come, what’s inside will ooze out.

Wanna take an inner-strength test?

  • How kind can you be to those who are unlovely?

  • Can you honourably show restraint?

  • Can you maintain a calm disposition when anger is being flung your way?

  • Can you speak with gentle intention in the midst of an offence?

It’s relatively easy to possess these qualities when everything is going your way, but how you hold it together then you’re under pressure will reveal just how strong you are.

Think about this.

Research Shows Us

Emotional Intelligence is Key to Building a Successful Life



“Destructive emotions have toxic effects on the body and result in a wide range of serious illness.”

Don Colbert M.D. - Americas #1 Doctor for Faith and Medicine



“75% - 95% of mental, physical and behavioural illness come from toxic thinking.” 

Dr. Caroline Leaf - Cognitive Neuroscientist 



“Studies have shown that people with high Emotional Intelligence have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills.”




“The research indicates a significant positive relationship between one’s emotional intelligence and his/her level of marital satisfaction.”

Journal of Phycological Research

If our children’s success is dependent on how emotionally intelligent they are, then we ought to train and equip them in this area.

Traditional training teaches children how to make a living, we teach them how to build a life.

I’d like to enrol my daughter into SOAR.

Soar includes my signature emotional intelligence training program Above & Beyond.

God will do exceeding abundantly above and beyond all that we ask, think, dream or imagine, according to the power that is at work in us.

God will do, according to what’s in you.

I teach how to tap into the power that’s within you so that you live by the spirit, not the flesh, in my 6-part program Above & Beyond.

above and beyond image transparent .png

Above and Beyond Overview

Section Two: Finding your Purpose

  • Get clear on your specific purpose and calling.

  • Understand the invisible laws that create reality.

Section Two: Living with Passion and Intention

  • Learn how to keep yourself motivated and driven.

  • Take intentional action each and every day.

Section Three: Creating An Atmosphere of Peace in Your Life

  • Hone self-control by responding to difficulties tactfully.

  • Increase your influence be earning respect and admiration.

I'm loving your training. Just committing to going through your material has rigidly guided me into a process of self evaluation. I find myself excited to receive your next lessons.

Michelle Blanchette Lavergne - Pych Major, Outreach Program Creator


Discover Your Greatness Within

  • Learn who God created you to be.

  • Identify your ideal future.

  • Uncover what you’d called to accomplish.

  • Elicit motivation and drive.

  • Experience a passionate excitement for your future.

  • Develop confidence in who you are.



  • Craft your future with intention.

  • Stay grounded during difficult times.

  • Safeguard against unhealthy thoughts.

  • Lay the foundation for healthy emotions.

  • Learn how to birth your dreams.

  • Discover your superpower.


The Refinement

  • Learn how to skilfully manage heated emotions.

  • Communicate your perspective tactfully.

  • Know what to say, when to say it, and how.

  • Create a safe atmosphere for open and honest communication.

  • Respond tactfully to an angry individual.

  • Maintain joy in the midst of chaos.

Additional Training


Locate Your Values

This workshop reveals how to stop crossing your conscious and live in alignment with your values, so that, you can fulfill your destiny, be more efficient, and enjoy your days.


Effortlessly Embedding Habits

This class will teach you how to kick disappointment to the curb so you can become who you desire to be. You’ll learn how to inject pleasure chemicals into your brain, create new neurological pathways that will build a bridge to the life you desire.


Multiply Time. Manage Overwhelm

Get more done in your days. In this Masterclass I reveal how to locate time leaks and inefficiencies. You’ll get equipped with time saving tools to help you accomplish more tasks, be more efficient, and optimize your life.

Tash is a great listener, she uses her wisdom to give compelling information and feedback that is applicable to real life issues. She definitely knows her stuff.

Elbony Riggins - Speaker, Author, Certified Life & Relationship Coach

Leadership Development

Leadership is influence.

To get the most out of life, you’ll need to become an influential person. You’ll want to influence your friends, your neighbours, your spouse, and your kids.

“If you walk with the wise, you’ll become wise.” - Proverbs 13:20

Soar teaches you how to be the wise friend, spouse, and parent so that you can earn influence over those you love and assist them in maximizing their potential.

Individual Leadership Paths

Leadership training and implementing is something the girls get to participate in, not something they are obligated to participate in. It may be something they grow into throughout the year, as they dream, think about their future, and become inspired to take action.

Everything the girls choose to learn will be in alignment with their own personal goals, dreams, ambitions and desires.

Here’s an overview some skillsets they may choose to learn.

  • Developing camera confidence

  • How to become a skillful conversationalist

  • The process behind making a sale

  • Knowing how capture attention

  • How to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise way

  • How to translate your thoughts to paper

  • How to brainstorm to problem solve

  • The a, b, c’s behind bringing goods and/or services to market

  • Understanding the power behind branding and positioning

  • The importance of being poised and professional

  • Learning the in’s and out’s of running an online business

  • How to Build rapport with potential customers

  • The mindset of an entrepreneur

  • Crafting speeches

  • Giving presentations

I’d like to enrol my daughter into SOAR.

A Bit About Me

I remember when a happy, healthy life was only a dream and a seemingly impossible task. I had too much baggage, endured too much hurt, and made too many mistakes. I thought I was doomed for a life of failure. I hated myself, my life, and everything I became. I struggled with depression, eating disorders, and insecurity. Shame and guilt became my constant companions. I lost hope for the future and I decided to end my life.  

* * *

I’ve experienced hell-on-earth, torment followed me. But I’ve found the way out, and I’ve discovered the path to creating a life of heaven-on-earth. This experience created an insatiable desire for me to extend my hand towards others and show them how to get the most out of their days, overcome life’s difficulties, and build their dream life.

“God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.”

My Business History

How to Win Friends and Influence People, the book I read at 15 that opened my eyes to the importance of becoming a good conversationalist. Since then I’ve come to learn that true leadership is servanthood. Being able to lead through influence, tact, dignity, and humility.

Here are a few ways I’ve been honour to serve:

  • The Mother Daughter Gala at the Marlborough Hotel

  • Tiny Town daycare.

  • Couture Love, a local stationary company specializing in luxury paper products.

  • Strength and Dignity, a program for pre-teens girls to develop healthy thinking and healthy habits.

  • Speaker and workshop facilitator for the Health, Fitness, Protection Program. A ministry that works with sexually exploited women.

  • Taught classes on emotionally health and relationship stability to those who resided at Dignity House. A ministry that supports women leaving a life of sexual exploitation, addiction & trauma.

  • I was on the SHINE (Serving Him in Everything) Admin Team, and honoured to be a part of build a community up to 140 families for a local homeschooling community.

  • INSTA Home, Inner-Strength Training Academy’s live-in program was designed for single motivated women to maximize their potential, so they can build a happy, healthy, ridiculously fulfilling life.

Business Training

Some of the best business training I’ve receive has come through hands on experience. Building teams, collaborating, manage clients, and building automation systems.

Apart from experience, I’ve been an avid devourer of personal development. I recognize that leaders are readers and that devouring books, teaching, and training, is the fastest way to invest into yourself, and develop the skills required to advance your dreams.

The following are my top 10 business books that have had the biggest impact on my entrepreneurial endeavours.

  • The E Myth - Michael E. Gerber

  • The Mom Test - Rob Fitzpatrick

  • Raving Fans - Kenneth Blanchard

  • 48 Days to the Work you Love - Dan Miller

  • The 4 Disciplines of Execution - Christ McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling

  • The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni

  • The Ideal Team Player - Patrick Lencioni

  • My Book Launch Planner - Mike Loomis

  • The Laws of Brand Storytelling - Walter and Gioglio

  • Never Eat Alone - Keith Ferrazzi

As informative as experience is, and as eye-opening as books have been, there has been on thing in particular that has had the greatest impact on advancing my progress.


I’ve been blessed to work with a number of individuals who have a healthy track record of building a successful business. Their programs are robust, they come with extensive support, and truly assist in advancing your dream, mission and calling.

  • Mike Loomis (1-on-1 personalized coaching)

  • Jeff Walker (Product Launch Formula)

  • Eban Pagen (Virtual Coaching Certification)

  • Bryan Harris (10,000 Subscribers and Partnership Accelerator)

  • Pedro Adao (Crush It with Challenges)

  • David Bayer (Accelerator Coaching Program)

It’s impossible to articulate what it’s been like sitting under years of teaching and training from some of the worlds leading experts in business.

The above training has assisted in shaping how I think about market research, how I proceed in building business structures, how I craft teams, position myself to the public, interact with those who I collaborate with, as well as determine how I serve my leads and customers.

Entrepreneurship requires you to be resourceful, creative, decisive, and determined as you charge full-steam ahead into your future, continually breeding hope and excitement, as you work towards building your dreams.

Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone, yet everyone from benefit from developing the leadership skills that are required to build as businesses.


Marketing and Relationships

What I’ve come to discover is that the more one understands marketing, the better equipped they are at building relationships.

Consider the correlations:

  • Marketing is the practice of creating continual, positive engagement with someone for the purpose of building rapport, earning trust, and to influence their decisions in a way they’ll positively benefit their life.

  • The heart of marketing refers to creating value for someone with the hopes that it’ll elicit a desired end result.

  • Marketing requires one to be articulate, intentional, thoughtful, and to consider what someone else values.

  • Marketing requires you to evoke a willingness to actively participate in a proposed plan or action.

When it comes to building healthy relationships, the more comprehensive your marketing knowledge is, the more equipped you’ll be to engage in skilful communication, and developing impactful influence.

You’ll know how to build rapport, earn trust, add value, articulating what’s important to those you care about, while understanding how to encourage, motivate, and evoke heartfelt action.

To goal is to become the wisest individual around, so that you’ll be well prepared to assist others in overcoming frustrating obstacles, and ready to advise them on how to build a life they love.



What does the SOAR schedule look like?

SOAR girls will meet a minimum of 2x a month, in-person, throughout the school year for ongoing character training and leadership development. We meet on the first and third Monday from 1:00 - 4:00 in my home for teaching, training, projects, or other hands on learning activities.

On top of these weekly get togethers there will also be at least one social experience each month. This may include a picnic, a hike, scavenger hunt or another unique experience.

There may be additional bonus courses, workshops or events scattered throughout the year that other homeschooled teens may participate in.

SOAR students will also receive direct access to myself for the duration of the program for accountability and mentorship to assist them towards a life of peace, joy and fulfillment.

Where do SOAR students meet?

Currently, SOAR trainings will be held in my home in Southeastern Manitoba. Families driving in from the city are encouraged to carpool.

Alternatively, if there is a family in the city willing to open their home to host, I would consider hosting some events in Winnipeg.

What does SOAR cost?

It’s $3000 per student for 6 months (if paid in full)

Or 4 payments of $850 ($3400)

Or 8 monthly payments of $450 ($3600)

Program Runs November - May (with a bonus month of December)

For Additional Questions

If you have any other question about the program, feel free to text Tash. 1-204-250-9155

I’d like to enrol my daughter into SOAR.