
How I Reach People
This is private viewing for people of faith. This is where I reveal the message God gave me to bring into the world, how I plan to go about releasing it and my unique methodology.
The Most Important Message
-Part 1-
Today is an exciting day because you are about to hear the most important message in the world.
I am about to show you (both from scripture - God’s perspective) and from research (the worlds’ perspective) why THIS, RIGHT HERE is the most important thing everyone needs to know.
Of course, the way God describes it is different than the way the world does. But I will link the two together. So no worries.
Something Important to Understand
First, let's identify the most important thing for us humans to do… and that is to know God.
If you already know God, I don’t need to convince you of this. You’re aware that he is all knowing, all powerful, all gracious and a loving father who created us. He knows us better than we know ourselves and when we develop a relationship with Him he will talk to us, lead us and guide us to a beautiful life where all our dreams come true.
Those who don’t know Him will not understand this. It’ll be abstract and sometimes beyond their grasp.
So how does God plan to reach them?
What is God’s method for winning hearts?
His plan is to have people experience his goodness and THROUGH that experience they come to know him. Romans 2:4 makes it clear that God’s goodness is what leads a man to repentance.
What comes first? The repentance or God’s goodness?
But what exactly IS His goodness?
Well, that is what my message is all about. I help people experience God’s goodness and it’s through this experience that they will want to know more about Him.
I will elaborate on this goodness later.
What if you’re Already Saved?
Let’s take this one step further… say you’re already a believer. You know God and have a relationship with him.
What then? What’s next?
What is the most important thing in the Bible to know and understand?
I have heard many opinions but no one who can confidentlytell me what the most important message in scripture is.
But scripture tells us.
Scripture reveals which message is foundational, which we should be focusing on above all else, and which we need to make our #1 priority.
Matthew 6:33… Seek first the kingdom of God (and his righteousness) and all other things in life will be added unto you.
Proverbs 4:23... Above all else, guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of your life.
If I gave you a to-do list, but said, above all else do this. You would do that thing FIRST, before moving on to the next.
If I said… this is the most important thing to pursue, I want you to seek it, this is to be your #1 priority. That would mean it’s foundational. Fundamental. Necessary. Highly valuable.
Matthew makes it clear that God’s Kingdom is what you should be seeking first. Proverbs tells you that above all else you should be guarding your heart.
So what do you do? Seek the Kingdom or Guard your heart?
Furthermore.. WHAT IS The Kingdom of God and how does one seek it? And what in the world does it mean to guard your heart?
Tying Together
I have come to learn that...
The Kingdom of God and guarding your heart are thesame thing.
The parable of the sower in Mark 4 tie these verses together.
Mark 4:11 makes it clear that the secret of The Kingdom is revealed in this parable. Furthermore, in verse 13 Jesus said, “if you do not understand this parable, you will not understand any others.”
Hokie-dyna… this message is foundational. It's vital, critical to understand and according to Matthew, should be what we seek first and foremost in life.
But.. how is the Parable of the Sower tied to guarding your heart?
Seed. Soil. Harvest.
If you read the Parable of the Sower in both Mark 4 and Luke 8 you will come to these conclusions.
Words are seeds.
Our heart is like soil.
Our heart will grow whatever we put in it.
In other words…
Be careful what you put (plant) in your heart because it’s like soil and will grow whatever is in it.
Galatians 6:9 says… do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, that shall he reap. Your life will reap what has been sown.
When Proverbs says, guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of your life. It’s telling you, watch what you put (plant) in you heart because whatever you plant will determine the harvest you experience. The harvest will be either the issues you deal with, or the abundant blessings you experience.
It's Kinda-Like Gardening
Think about this…
God designed the world to operate by a certain set of laws. Humans discovered the laws, but God is the one who created them.
Laws around electricity, airplanes, farming, math, science and more.
Let's use an example everyone understands. Gardening.
You plan a seed in soil, the ground “incubates” the seed and that seed delivers a harvest.
Similar to the process of having a child.
A seed is planted in the uterus and that uterus “incubates” that seed until it grows, develops and gets birthed.
In both of these situations there was…
Seed - The planting
Time - The wait
Harvest - When something invisible transitions into the visible world.
The Kingdom of God is also a process of seed, time and harvest. Except the kingdom principles are faith, hope and love.
Hope is the seed.
Faith incubates.
Harvest brings what exists in the spirit into the natural.
I dive deep into the inner workings of these laws and explain how THESE LAWS are what govern thoughts, attitudes and emotions, which is ultimately the foundation for building a happy, successful, fulfilling life. What I like to refer to as heaven-on-earth.
Without knowledge of how these laws work you’ll inevitably find yourself falling victim to unhealthy and unwanted emotions. You’ll be breaking laws and experiencing the repercussions of doing so without even realizing it.
Birthing Things
The Kingdom is God’s way of birthing things in this earth. To seek first The Kingdom, means to live, first and foremost, by God's set of laws and principles.
To live by these laws is to live above the world's way of doing things. It's like adding a dash of super on the natural.
When I was a sad, depressed, little girl in the mental hospital no counselor, phycologist, therapist or treatment center was successful at rehabilitating me. It was learning and living by Kingdom laws that turned my life upside down and shaped me into who I am today.
When my husband (Peter) and I got married we were two unhealthy people. He was a former drug addict, I was insecure with an eating disorder with little-to-no self worth. Together, by learning and applying kingdom principles we've been able to overcome impossible addictions, kick insecurity to the curb, become emotionally healthy and successfully build a happy, stable family.
The life we are living today should not be possible based on who we were. But Kingdom principles BURST THROUGH what's naturally possible and walks you into a life that far surpasses your greatest dreams.
This is why I call my signature program Integrity: Your Path to Heaven-on-Earth.
Kingdom principles will take care of every aspect of your life. Seek first The Kingdom and EVERYTHING ELSE in life will be added unto you.
If you know God's way of doing things, you can have what God says you can have. Which is a life of heaven-on-earth. A life of blessing, abundance and prosperity.
THIS is goodness. God's goodness.
I help people learn and live by Kingdom principles so that they can experience a happy, healthy home, emotional stability and a fulfilling life of passion, purpose and intention.
Up Next...
As you can see, I got so carried away explaining the most important message (according to scripture) that I never got to fully finish.
But I don’t want your head to spin with too much information, so I will leave that lesson right here.
Next, I will get into the world’s research, what they discovered is the most important message to know and I will show you how THAT message ties into THIS ONE.
That message is about God’s goodness, which I didn’t get to elaborate in this lesson.
The Most Important Message
- Part 2 -
I am about to show you what research reveals to be the most important lesson one needs to learn. I will also show you how scripture confirms this.
This message is about love. Which is developing in the Fruit of the Spirit. The world call this emotional intelligence, which is defined as being able to assess and guide your emotions while being able to assess and guide the emotions of those around you.
Yesterday I outlined the importance of God's goodness and how His goodness will bring people to the Lord.
But what is this goodness?
It's meeting people where they're at. In their pain. In their confusion. In their hurt and helping them overcome their biggest struggles.
Some of these struggles are emotional baggage, relationship trouble, a lack of direction or passion for their future, a lack of joy and peace in their life.
I help them heal, to overcome and to experience better days.
So along with understanding Kingdom principles (what I wrote about yesterday) one must also understand the importance of developing in love.
Love is the most important message.
Love helps one get healthy. It helps us reach our dreams, fulfil our calling on this earth, it helps us win others to the Lord, it's God's ultimate will for our lives, and it's how we become more like God himself. For God is love (1 John 4:8)
Let me break down what loves looks like... implemented.
Love, Fruit and Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is what they say is responsible for one’s success in life.
How do they define success?
Who are they?
Research shows that emotional intelligence causes one to experience not only greater satisfaction in marriage but an overall satisfaction in life. (Ekstrimera and Fernandez, 2005 and Jokar, 2007, Sheikh-Aleslami and Ahmadi 2012, Mahdavi and colleagues, 2008)
Harvard Business Review discovered that emotional intelligence has more to do with your financial and career success than academic and technical skills. (see What Makes a Leader" in the Harvard Business Review, January 2004)
I figure, it's about time the world caught up to what scripture has always been saying...
A healthy mind and healthy thoughts = a healthy, prosperous life.
Or as 3 John 1: 2 says...
We will prosper and be in health as our soul prospers.
What do I do exactly?
I help motivated folks build happy, healthy home and more fulfilling lives by becoming emotionally strong and relationally stable.
Some will argue that we can only be happy and healthy by knowing God. I agree that knowing God is paramount.
But I don't believe that the prior statement is true.
Will a garden only grow if the gardener knows who created the laws of the land? Of course not. They can still harvest, they can still reap, and they can still use God-made principles, even if they do not know the creator.
Likewise, God set up rules for happy, healthy relationships, such as a soft answer turns away wrathand this principle will work to improve relationships whether or not people know, agree with, or understand God and scripture.
In fact, utilizing God's principles, and experiencing the goodness of God will win people to Christ. It's scriptural, as I outlined in my post yesterday.
More About Love
As I mentioned above, emotional intelligence is being able to assess and guide your emotions while being able to assess and guide the emotions of those around you.
There are striking correlations between what the world calls emotional intelligence and what the Bible describes as the fruits of the spirit.
Let's take a look...
Love - An unselfish concern for others, showing compassion and care.
Joy - A deep rooted sense of satisfaction with a cheerful and enthusiastic outlook about life.
Peace - Deeply rooted with inner contentment and being composed and well balanced in life.
Patience - Having the restraint to wait and endure with a positive attitude.
Kindness - Being thoughtful, hospitable and having a friendly disposition.
Goodness - Genuine goodwill, purity in thoughts and honourable integrity.
Faithfulness - Having a “stick-to-it” attitude of steadfastness and consistency.
Gentleness - Staying calm, speaking softly and having a mild and tender disposition.
Self-control - Being mindful of and having the inner-strength to direct your emotions tactfully.
As you can see, being developed in the fruit of the spirit has to do with how you manage yourself as well as how you respond to those around you.
Stressed and Conflict
These qualities are easier to display when everything is going your way and everyone is on good terms. A true test of character (and inner-strength) is being able to display these qualities when things don’t go as planned.
Can you be kind to the unlovely?
Can you show restraint and do so honourably?
Can you maintain a calm disposition when anger is being flung at you?
Can you speak gently and intentionally when you are offended and justified?
Yikes hey!
I specialize in helping motivated folks refine the ugly parts of their character by renewing their mind. I teach them to do this by focusing their attention on things that are good, perfect, lovely so that they can experience a life of joy, peace and goodness. This also means, their relationships will grow, develop and become stable and strong.
Which is what everyone wants, happy, healthy relationships, and to experience a life of peace, joy, satisfaction and fulfillment.
My Program
But this process doesn't happen overnight. Which is why I created my signature program Integrity: Your Path to Heaven-on-Earth.
I'm sure by now the name makes sense. The path to heaven-on-earth is to live a life of morality, virtue and integrity.
To care about WHO you're becoming, HOW you're living ,and HOW you're impacting those around you.
Can you see the value in what I teach? Can you see why it's the most important message to hear?
Develoign in love, (In other words becoming emotionally healthy) or as I like to call it, becoming inner-strongwill cause you to...
Experience joy, peace and fulfilment on a level that is only possible by living this way.
Build a strong, healthy marriage.
Become confident in who you are love yourself.
Become a better parent who leads their kids towards healthy habits, mindsets and attitudes by being an excellent example.
Create a life of heaven-on-earth
Well, as you can see, I have no trouble rambling on. But that's enough content for you to chew on for now.
You're certainly getting a better perspective of what I do, why I do it, why it's important, and WHY you should care.
Next I'll be sharing the methodology I use to reach those who are not in church and who do not resonate with christian lingo.
How I Reach People
I once was asked...
"You mentioned you came with a contemporary message built on scripture. I have a question for you, do you think scripture is not contemporary?."
My response…
“I think scripture is very practical for our everyday life. Meaning, truth remains the same but the WAY we get the message out needs to shift with culture."
Hence why there are more guitars, drums and light shows in churches and less hymns. But, despite this shift in how church is done… stats show that the younger generation (millennials and younger) are leaving "traditional church" in droves.
It's clearly not meeting their needs where they're at RIGHT NOW.
Personally, from my research, they crave community and close connection more than what many churches offer.
Some do a great job at this, don't get me wrong.
But as for my methods…
I don't use "christian lingo" as that's a language that stands out to CHURCH FOLKS… nothing wrong with this (nothing at all) but I believe "christian lingo" turns off many unsaved folks, or those who are unsure, or young in their faith.
I also want to reach those who are not in church… (but who are okay with God and the Bible or who are at least open to hearing about it).
I bring a message that speaks to them, where they're at.
I help them overcome their pain…
Whether it's struggling in their marriage
With their parenting
With their emotional health
Or completely overwhelmed with life's responsibilities.
I help them REMOVE their pain by applying scriptural principles.
Once the pain is removed their minds are ready to hear the SOURCE of truth and they are more inclined to hear about who Jesus is, what he did, and why they need Him in their life.
It's the goodness of God that leads them to repentance.
I show them God's goodness (by removing their immediate pain) and in turn their hearts are ready to turn to Him.”
Now you know what I do, how I do it, and the importance of why I chose to do it this way.
There are many great ministries who speak to believers, and who reach a certain individual drawn to the traditional church culture.
God gave me THIS vision of how to reach the next generation and I need to be true to what the Lord told me to do, whether I am understood, misunderstood or outright rejected.
My next phase will be training leaders to build out LOCAL life-groups in their cities and communities. I firmly believe that THESE GROUPS will be the next generation of “church.”
If you wish to stay in the loop about these life groups, shoot me a quick email at tash@killconflict.com.
You’ll be first in line to hear about this next phase.