Is your food fighting disease or fending it off?

Food can be poison or medicine, your choice.

Facing this Topic Head on

Addressing the harm we may be inflicting on our earth suit may be uncomfortable, but remaining ignorant is not the answer.

Let's not be deceived, whatever we sow we will also reap. Destruction occurs when we lack knowledge.

We will either care now, before we see "warning lights blinking," or we will be forced to care later, if we discover illness brewing within.

Meet your Event Hosts

Tash’s Experience

Tash is the founder of Inner-Strength Training Academy, an online education program designed to help individuals become emotionally strong and relationally healthy.

Here’s what Tash says about her health journey.

“My digits have been constantly going up and I'm not just talking about age. My body is demanding I pay attention to this topic. I've done the workouts. Read the books. Hired coaches. I've even cleaned up my diet. All without lasting success. After years of facing this topic head on, I've come to discovered an important puzzle piece that’s been missing.”

At this mastermind I’ll reveal what this missing puzzle piece is.

Terri’s Experience

Terri Morrisseau, is the President of Basic Health, and is a Sho-Tai Practitioner and Herbalist. She became interested in learning Sho-Tai as a result of her child becoming very ill, and observed her daughters’ recovery through dietary changes, a herbal routine and a lot of prayer. 

Her client list is very large and includes people from all walks of life and faiths. Terri believes everything happens for a reason and is passionate about what she does, which is to help her clients get health.

If nutritional health is important to you this event is one you won't want to miss.

Join the Discussion

Come to learn, come to share your experience, or come to watch.

Tuesday, November 18th

6:30pm to 10:00pm

$20 per person

There will be a table reserved for teens.