Directions to the Stewart Home

#27145 Rd 29E

Please Note: You will not arrive by typing the address into Google Maps.

Google maps uses street names but mile roads are marked by numbers. For this reason, it doesn’t work to provide a physical location.

If you would like a pin, here it is.

Be mindful of the roads you choose. Google maps has been known to take people down multiple dirt roads, as opposed to using the HWY’s.

Below you’ll find written directions, a zoomed out map, as well as a close up perspective.

If you have any issues finding it, text Tash.


Coming From Winnipeg

  • Take HWY 59 (south) until you reach the town of St. Pierre Jolys. This is aprox. 30 minutes from the south Perimeter.

  • As soon as you exit the town take a left (east) onto HWY 205.

  • Stay on the 205 until you reach a stop sign. Take a right (south). This will still be HWY 205. You’ll drive just over a mile and the road will curve to the left, bringing you right into Grunthal. You’ll see a Co-op on your left.

  • Drive through town until you reach a stop sign. Take a right.

  • Then immediately take a left (east) at the large sand dune. This is still HWY 205.

  • Once you pass the Auction Mart take a left (north) at the next mile road, Rd 29E.

  • We are one mile down. Driveway # 27145. The house on a hill.

Coming From Steinbach

  • Take HWY 12 (south) and turn right (west) onto HWY 205.

  • Stay on this road until Sarto.

  • Once through Sarto, drive an additional 3 miles and take a right (north) onto Rd 29 E.

  • We are one mile down. Driveway # 27145. The house on a hill.

A Zoomed Out Map

FINAL directions big JPEG  .jpg

Close up Perspective

FINAL directions JPEg no st p.jpg