Manitoba Christian Homeschoolers Club

(Designed Specifically for Freedom Loving Manitobans)

A place where faith-based homeschooling families can connect, build friendships, and support one another.

Benefits of Being a Club Member

Being a member means you gain access to a calendar with a wide variety of events for you and your children to participate in.

How Does the Club Work?

Many hands make work light.

At the top of the school year, there’s a planning meeting in which we will lay out all of the social and educational options available. Kind-of-like a buffet of activities. Together, the community picks and chooses the activities to put into the community calendar.

Parental Involvement

Parents are encouraged to volunteer their skills, time, resources and/or knowledge to host or assist with events that are in line with their gifts, talents, skills and passions. For example:

  • Some parents love crafting, so they’ll head up crafting days.

  • Other parents have teens and are happy to host a hike for the club’s teens.

  • Other parents may host a cooking class.

  • Head up a sporting event, music classes, a survival course, you get the picture.

There will be countless events for students to participate in that are free to attend as a member of this club, but parents are also welcome to create a specialty class and charge for it.

Teens are also encouraged to use their gifts, talents and skills to serve the community. Whether it’s teaching art, assisting with sports, or educating the younger kids on a topic they’re passionate about. What the community consists of will be according to the gifts and talents of the individuals with it.

Parents volunteer a handful of days throughout the year, (ideally around activities you’re organically passionate about), but in return you get a whole calendar full of activities for you and your children.

Win, win!


Most events will take place in or around the Winnipeg area, or in Southeastern Manitoba. However, all families are welcome to open up their home, and to host an event, which would result in the community coming to you.

Our Guiding Values

Please read these thoroughly to ensure that you’re comfortable in a community with others who think as such.

What we believe

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, the foundation for truth, and our guide book for how to do life on earth. All members must hold this perspective and should have a desire to learn about these truths and grow in them, while simultaneously being respectful towards others in the community who may not agree on every point.

What shared values does our group hold?

It is vital to surround ourselves with others who share the same values. To seek friendships with those who will encourage, lift us up, challenge us, and help us maximize our potential.

We are coming together under the values of morality, integrity, virtue, dignity. Although we look to scripture to interpret the meaning of these, we understand that working out our salvation is a personal journey, and we respect where others are at on this path.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn

Some of our favourite scriptures

“Bad company corrupts good character.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” - Proverbs 13:20

“How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers!” - Psalm 1:1

“Make no friendship with a man given to anger, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.” - Proverbs 22:24-25

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17

Topics we are passionate about our kids learning

  • What it means to be a child of God.

  • How to live by faith.

  • How to hear God’s voice.

  • How to make good decisions.

  • How to develop the fruits of the spirit.

  • How to choose healthy friendships.



What is the cost?

The Manitoba Christian Homeschoolers club costs $40 per family for the school year (until the end of June).

What is included in membership?

You get to participate in activities and events that are designed specifically for families of the club. You also get to host events and plan your own activities for this community.

What are the benefits for parents?

Moms get the benefit of a monthly moms night. Come on out, put your feet up, let your hair down, make friends, laugh, and fill your tank with like-minded, value-packed conversation.

Smaller groups will be formed for parents around individual interests and goals such as fitness, nutrition, faith, etc.

Family Events.

Couple’s date nights. Need I say more?

May I join if I’m not a Christian?

Being a Christian is the fastest way to immediately identify the values and moral grounds of this community. If you agree to these standards, and are comfortable with your children learning about these values, then we welcome you open arms.

What is the culture of this club?

This club is built on the foundation of faith, hope and love. We dream big, encourage you to believe big, and are constantly encouraging one another to grow in love. This is a drama free zone, without division and divisiveness, we purpose to keep the peace, overlook offence, and dish out boatloads of grace.

How do I invite someone to join?

This group must be guarded with extreme care. We allow new members in through invite only. If you know someone who is a fit, have them fill out the application to join and the leadership team will do their due diligence before accepting them in.

I’m ready to join.

Additional Resources Available to Club Members


INSTA: A character focused drop in centre for Manitoba Christian Homeschooling Club Families.

Open Monday - Friday from 9am - 4pm. Parents must pre-book and commit to their time slot throughout the year.

Mornings are dedicated spaces for students to do their school work while afternoons are designed for additional actives, structured events, and additional learning opportunities.

This character focused drop in center is designed to teach kids how to dream big, think positive, and to love much. The focus is on who the kids are becoming, more than what they are learning.


SOAR: A Character and Leadership Development Program for Christian Homeschooled Girls in grades 9-12

Soar is designed to elicit purpose, passion, hope and inner-peace while simultaneously developing invaluable leadership skills.

Definition: To rise high.
Synonym: To increase rapidly above the usual level.

It’s also a social experience, as those inside of Soar get to partake in various novel experiences throughout the year.