Increase your Influence and Impact on your Loved ones

Earn their ear, develop trust, and build connection by becoming a tactful communicator.

Welcome to Impactful Influence

A 6-week program for leaders, entrepreneurs and influencers.

“Don’t sacrifice your family on the alter of success.”

I'm loving your training. Just committing to going through your material has rigidly guided me into a process of self evaluation. I find myself excited to receive and complete your emails.

Michelle Blanchette Lavergne - Pych Major, Outreach Program Creator

Here’s what’s inside

Discovering your Unique Purpose

  • Get clear on your specific purpose so that you can be excited about your life and future and plan your days with zeal and intention.

  • Understand God’s invisible laws that create physical reality so that you can tap into your supernatural self and overcome seemingly impossible limitations.

Living with Passion and Purpose

  • Learn how to keep yourself motivated so that you can experience more joy and peace while enjoy your life’s journey.

  • Take steps towards your dreams every day, this will result in increased dignity and self-confidence.

Creating An Atmosphere of Peace in Your Home

  • Grow in self-control so that you can respond to difficult situations and people tactfully.

  • Learn how to earn the respect and admiration of your loved ones so that you can effectively influence them to make healthier decisions.

Here's What You Get:

  • 30 lessons. Emailed to you everyday, Monday - Friday for 6 weeks.

  • 30 implementation tasks. One a day, Monday - Friday for 6 weeks.

  • 6 1-on-1 coaching calls, one a week for 6 weeks.

  • Unlimited email (or text) support over those 6 weeks.

This is where we look at where you’re at, where you’re heading, what you’re working on, and smash though any obstacles, or blocks holding you back.

The material you will receive during the time period:

🔸 Discover Your Greatness Within Course ($2995 Value)

🔸 Anchored Course ($2995 Value)

🔸 The Refinement Course ($2995 Value)

🔸 Locate your Values Masterclass ($297)

🔸 Embedding New Habits Masterclass ($297)

🔸 Multiple Time Masterclass ($297)

🔸 Power Phrases Cheat Sheets ($97)

🔸 Argument Guide ($97)

🔸 Conflict Rules ($97)

🔸 Marriage S.O.S ($47)

🔸 Earn Your Teens Ear ($47)

🔸 Integrity in Children ($47)

(See details of each item below)


You Pay $1497


What You’re Getting

Bonus Content


Locate Your Values

Join me for this Masterclass as I show you how to stop crossing your conscious and live in alignment with your values, so that, you can fulfill your destiny, be more efficient, and enjoy your days.

($297 Value)


Embedding New Habits Masterclass

Join me in this Masterclass and learn how to kick disappointment to the curb so you can become who you desire to be. You’ll learn how to inject pleasure chemicals into your brain, create neurological cravings so that you can structure habits and leverage them to your advantage.

($297 Value)

Multiply Time Masterclass

Wish you could get more done in your days? Join me in this Masterclass as I reveal time leaks and inefficiencies. You’ll leave equipped with time saving tools to help you accomplish more tasks, be more efficient, and optimize your life.

($297 Value)

3 Bonus “Cheat Sheets”


Power Phrases

Know what to say and how to say it by keeping these quick one-liners close by. With practise and repetition you’ll add these phrases to your vocabulary. Feel a sense of dignity as you respond tactfully and become a skilful communicator.

($97 value)

Argument Guide

Use this guide to lead your loved ones though a difficult conversation. It’ll help you find common ground, discover the mutual goal, ensure all facts are shared, voices are heard and all opinions are on the table before you draw conclusions or strategize.

($97 value)

Conflict Rules

Healthy conflict requires standardized rules. If you break them you harm the relationship, by upholding them you’re more effective. Learn them, live by them, and hold one another accountable to stay within their bounds.

($97 value)

3 Bonus Guides

Marriage S.O.S

Marriage S.O.S will help you assess where you’re at (you may be surprised), consider a different perspective (not as hard as you’d think), and receive solutions you can instantly implemented to improve the quality of your relationship.

($47 Value)

Earn Your Teens Earn

Being an example of how to do life well will obtain admiration from of your teen. This will win their respect and earn their ear which will increase your influence so you can help them to make healthy decisions.

($47 Value)


Integrity in Children

Emotional Intelligence is the #1 skill that determines someones success in life. It affects their career, income, relationships as well as personal fulfilment. As parents, it’s our job to teach these skills to our children to set them up for success.

($47 Value)

Tash is a great listener, she uses her wisdom to give compelling information and feedback that is applicable to real life issues. I would say that she definitely knows her stuff.

Elbony Riggins - Speaker, Author, Certified Life & Relationship Coach


The Goal of This Program


My goal is for you is to experience a life that surpasses your wildest imaginations. I call this heaven-on-earth. I define it like this…

This is a life that over-delivers. A life that impresses. One that will surpass all you could ask for, think about, dream of, or imagine.

Experiencing heaven-on-earth means you understand who you are, what you are designed to do, and know how to plan your days with confident intention.

This is a life where relationships are healthy, you're proud of how you're raising your children, and your home is an atmosphere of kindness, acceptance and ongoing growth. 

It’s a life where you feel content, satisfaction and fulfillment on a regular basis. You count your blessings, live with gratefulness, and find yourself constantly thankful for what you have. 

When you experience heaven-on-earth you will love your days, be proud of the life you’ve built, and look forward to a future living out your dreams. 

Joy and peace accompany you as your days are filled with passion and purpose. This results in increased influence as you become a living inspiration to everyone around you.


Helping others build Heaven-on-Earth is my specialty… 

But I understand your hesitation… I use to be in your shoes; skeptical, unsure, doubtful.

I remember when a happy, healthy life was a mere dream and a seemingly impossible task. I had too much baggage, endured too much hurt, and made too many mistakes. I thought I was doomed for a life of failure, after all, my track record proved this to be true.

I hated myself, my life and everything I became… I had no hope for the future.

  • Depression

  • Insecurity

  • Eating Disorders

  • Self-Hatred

  • Self-Sabotage

  • Obsessive behaviour

  • Perfectionism

  • Abuse

  • Abandonment

... these were things I was all-too familiar with.  

Shame and guilt became my constant companions. The only way I knew to end my torment was to end my life.  

* * *

This experience created an insatiable desire for me to extend my hand towards other and show them the way out of disappointment, discouragement and despair.

I've experienced hell-on-earth and I've found my way out… I know the path for creating a life of heaven-on-earth.

This invitation, to join Above and Beyond, is me extending my hand towards you, asking you to take it, and to trust the process.


How Above and Beyond came about

Above and Beyond is a collection of the lessons I’ve learned throughout my journey. I teach my experience. 

  • I've been to councillors, phycologists and therapists.  

  • I've done in-patient treatment and out-patient programs. 

  • I've read the books, attended classes and did everything the world told me to become stable.

None of these efforts brought about the lasting results I longed for. 

What worked was…

  • Learning how to renew my mind

  • Manage my thoughts

  • Sow towards the future I desired to have

I’ve learned that…

In order to change my life and my experiences, I had to change who I was on the inside.

This is profound, make sure you catch it...

I was so caught up trying to change the the fruit (what I was experiencing) that I neglected to consider the root (the reason I was in the mess to begin with).

Above and Beyond takes a complete and thorough look at your life. You’ll consider what your obstacles are, you’ll uncover their roots, and you’ll learn how to plant seed for the future you long for.

  • Are you ready to begin this process?

  • Are you ready to overcome the baggage weighing you down?

  • Are you ready to stop letting fear rob you of your future and your destiny?

No matter where you find yourself today, my hand is extended towards you, will you take it and trust the process?

When I think about inner-peace, living with joy, and a sense of fulfillment, I'm reminded of a lady I worked with… 


Case Study

Meet Anne…

(I call her this to protect her identity, you'll see why in a minute)

When Anne and I met she was lost. She had many questions about life and was on a hunt for answers. As a mompreneur, she still questioning her purpose and longed to live with passion.

She knew something was missing but couldn’t identify what it was. 


The Turning Point

As Anne learned and applied my teaching she developed a clear direction for herself, her family and future. She started experiencing a greater level of confidence and for the first time ever she knew what it truly meant to be satisfied and fulfilled. 

She still applies my teaching and you know what happened? 

She’s OBSESSED with it.

She uses what she learned to bring her life from one degree of greatness to another. As a result she is watching her family transform right before her eyes. 

  • She learned how to handle difficult situations with skill. 

  • Peace and joy are a norm in her life.

  • She has a sense of hope and passion for her future. 

  • Her marriage is stronger than ever. 

  • She’s proud of who she is and even more excited for who she is becoming. 

Anne’s life has already been radically transformed and her journey to heaven-on-earth just begun.  

Here's what she had to say ...


“How do I put into words what it's been like working with Tash? It's something you need to experience to truly understand. 

It's vivid in my head the moment when my eyes were opened and I could see exactly what was missing. 

What she said just made sense. 

With every question I had she opened her vault and drew from her knowledge. What she said was perfectly relevant and just what I needed in those moments, no more and no less.  It was all so easy and natural.

She has a gift of seeing past your surface concerns and dives straight to the core of the issue. 

You need to know something, this is important. You do not have to wait for your partner to be ready before you start making changes. 

You can start becoming emotionally healthy on your own. You need to prioritize this in your life even if your partner isn't yet.  What Tash says is true, when your partner sees changes in your life it will cause them to open their eyes and be open to changes as well.  You don't need to wait for them before YOU start seeing results.

I really don't know where I would be if I didn't meet Tash. It's kind of a scary thought. Working with her has drastically changed my life and I am now on a road to seeing even better days. 

What Tash taught was all new to me so it took a while to fully comprehend the larger scope of what was truly taking place. Each teaching left me with information to mull over and fresh concepts to digest. This created questions and Tash would answer, each answer creating another question. 

Each inquiry was unique for my personal journey and she delivered exactly what I needed when I needed it. No more and no less.  Tash has a great way of keeping you focused. 

At times when I questioned my efforts she would reminded me to trust the process. Once I started to see results everything was confirmed. The truth I learned solidified within me and things became real on a grand scale. 

I learned that I could activate a plan and that this plan would role itself out into unbelievable results.  

I now see that life is a journey and each day I'm climbing higher. I can't get enough of it. Tash taught me how to live a full life and I will forever use the skills she taught me to continually improve and increase. 

The other day I almost couldn't take the amount of joy I was experiencing. 

I am as Tash describes, totally obsessed. 

I'm obsessed with learning, obsessed with growing, obsessed with being healthy mentally, emotionally and relationally. I'm obsessed with moving along on this journey to wholeness and I'm truly committed to experiencing heaven-on-earth.  


What Anne Experienced

  • Clarity

  • Peace

  • Joy

  • Confidence

  • New knowledge, tools and skills to reach her dreams and goals. 

What would these kinds of results look like for you?

How could your life be impacted?


Is this for you?

This program will take you from where-you're-at to where-you-want-to be.

In this program I'm unapologetic about helping you build a wildly passionate life. A life where abundance is prevalent, blessings overflow, prosperity is evident, success is common, and favour is everywhere. 

If these words rub you the wrong way then this program is not going to be ‘your cup of tea.’

  1. Building a road map is the first step.

  2. Gaining the skills to craft your life with intention is the next.

  3. Learning how to maximize your potential and increase your influence is the cherry on top.

What you’ll learn in this 6-week bootcamp will become a part of you, a part of your family, and a part of your life. You'll use these tools every day and you’ll never be the same again. 

Kinda-like going to university to get an education. You attend once but the education remains a part of you forever. So it is with Above and Beyond. You’ll get educated, you’ll benefit, and the lessons will serve you for the rest of your life.


My Guarantee

You read that right. If you go through the program and do not come out the other side with more clarify, confidence and focus, you will get your money back.


➤ You will have clarity on who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you'd like to have.

➤ You will discover your personal values and how they should guide your decisions and life. 



➤ You will understand the foundational 3-part process to birthing dreams.

➤ You will know how to add more joy, peace and contentment to your life.

➤ You will know how to increase your drive and motivation.



➤ You will understand the 5 (must-have) practices successful individuals implement to bring results.

➤ You will have a customized, detailed roadmap to follow that will take you to your ideal future.


I'm willing to take the risk because I know this stuff works.


Here's what not to expect...

To overhaul your life, emotions and relationships in 6 weeks. 

Arriving at your final destination takes consistency, determination and time.

  1. Building a roadmap is just the first step.

  2. Gaining knowledge is the next.

  3. Getting equipped with the tools and skills is also necessary.

But continuing down the path… that’ll be up to you. No one can take that journey for you.

After our 6-weeks together, there’ll be no more guessing, questioning, or wondering. Just clear, concise action needed.

You can do it. I can help. Take my hand. Trust the process.